Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back In A Flash!

Whew!!! We got back just in time to saddle up for fall semester. I started classes Monday, and my clinical will start next week. I am really pumped to get to work. It is weird not working. It is kind of like being a little kid again, except school is really hard and there is no time to be bored, haha! This semester I am taking research methods, human disease, patient management, musculoskeletal I, cardiopulmonary I, and my internship (12 hours a week). It is a pretty good load, but it will be about 100x less intense than the summer term... so I have been told.

I think I was just getting use to the 100 degree temps before we left. It is odd how your body just adapts to being that h-o-t! The weather is WONDERFUL here! We had to wear jackets Monday morning to the bus stop... crazy huh? We are taking advantage of this great weather and the holiday weekend with a little camping/hiking excursion. We are really looking forward to it. It will be our very first primitive outing - yikes! What a great way to kick off the semester... don't ya think? Tune in for pictures and who knows what else from the trip!!

So... I ran today with Vanessa and Crystal (friends from my class) up to the park and around the reservoire ( i do not know how to spell that). I always thought I was against running clubs, but it was actually quite fun. I hope we keep it up. I am sick of running on the treadmill in the gym at the seminary, and I do not really want to run alone outside. I hear it is perfectly safe to run alone during the day, but if the club survives... "long live the club!"

This is a rare evening in our household. School is in session, and we are not studying!! haha I really like blogging; maybe this semester will allow for more of it. There is a bug flying around me, so I must go. If you know my relationship with bugs, you will know that it is trying to get in me by any means possible... this one happens to be going for the ear.

Goodnight Moon, Goodnight bug in my ear,

e l i z a b e t h


Anonymous said...

hey, go bugs ... no! no! that's not right! Maybe it's go blue!!! must have been an earwig!

D.Cooper said...

Hi there, Miss Buggy! Do you know that we have not seen a single bug in the house since you left...I'd rather have you here and have the bug though!!! Love the blog pics! Have fun this weekend..Love ya loads...Mama

D.Cooper said...

Yes, please run WITH some people...just to satisfy me of course! THANKS! Hi to the runner group! Love, Mama