Monday, February 2, 2009


what a time to be in the burgh!!!  the past few weeks have been very exciting.   just as you would imagine people to decorate their homes for christmas or halloween, pittsburghers have decorated in the same fashion for the super bowl... haha!  it is quite a sight to see!  there has also been extravagant pep rallies, parades and  trimming a steelers tree downtown!

the town closed over 100 roads yesterday -- some in oakland, downtown and the southside.  i am guessing to reserve places for people to congregate and go NUTS basically... haha!  well everyone definitely went nuts.  there were people going crazy filling the designated "crazy space", as well as every other street in the WHOLE town!   to counter act this craziness, pittsburgh supposedly had over 500 cops on crowd duty.

we almost could not drive home last night.  we went to a rockin party at my friend darcy's apartment!  she let me borrow her towel throughout the whole game, so i could do the most appropriate steelers cheer there is!  i must say... i did a pretty awesome job even though i was a first time twirler!

there were parades of people on every street twirling terrible towels and screaming and waving.  if you honked at them to move out of the street, they just got more excited because they thought you were pumped the steelers won... haha!  (which is true, but we also wanted to park our car safely in the seminary lot before it got burned or flipped over!)  this may seem a little extreme, but the steelers winning puts the fans way over the top with celebrating.  for some reason it makes everyone very destructive... which scares me a little!  we also saw and heard lots of fireworks during our short drive (but long time getting there) home.

in oakland (neighborhood with pitt and carnegie melon), the craziest of the crazies were hanging out.  this is where they flip cars and burn couches.  the chopper for the news was showing fires in the street last night.  they were burning shirts to start... then a dumpster and who knows how many couches.  this is insane!  who is donating their couch to this cause!!!!???? seriously!  also, i saw parking meters smashed into bar windows.  i am kind of wondering if my school will still be there tomorrow... haha!

today, all the schools had a 2 hour delay that they have been planning since last week. they do this so everyone will not skip school the next day (this goes for bus drivers, teachers and students!!!)

tomorrow is the town victory parade with all the players!  i wish they would cancel school for that!  i mean, come on, this does not happen everyday! 

so... there you have it y'all!  i hope you have a lovely picture of steeler town to go with the six pack!


e l i z a b e t h

1 comment:

D.Cooper said...

Wow, what a neat rendition of the crazed people and the excitement there! TOO COOL!!! I would have loved to have been there!


Mama C.