Thursday, February 5, 2009

how well do you know scripture?

so... i take my first ordination exam tomorrow - the bible content exam (or as i like to call it - the bible trivia exam). it is, arguably, the easiest of the lot, as the rest aren't multiple choice or so straight forward.

i am telling you this not only to ask for prayers but also to inform you of a great resource on the web for studying for this thing. now, you might be wondering why i would tell all of you about this resource because, probably, none of you will ever have to take this exam. well, i thought that i would pass it along and challenge all of you to take a few to see how you do. it is 100 questions through all areas of the bible (pentateuch, historical books, prophets, psalms and wisdom literature, gospels, acts and pauline letters, and the "rest of the nt"). all of it is multiple choice, and you can even take the different areas separately. at the end, it will show you what you missed (and got right if you want!). plus, it has the bible references to each question that you can click on to read.

who knows, you might find out that you knew more than you thought... or less than you thought. if you are feeling generous, give a donation while you are there. it will keep the site working for those of us who rely on it!

cheers (and happy testing),
jw <><

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