Friday, October 19, 2007


oh my friends. i have heard it! ynz!!! so let me explain... ynz = y'all here in the burgh. i am really trying to think of a decent pronunciation, but i am not coming up with much. this is the best i can do... say you-ins. now abbreviate you to just the y+ins. i have been told that you will know a true "pittsburgher" when they say, "ynz!"

last night at work, i was in the receptionst's office chatting with a patient who was making an appointment. as the conversation dwindled, he ended it saying, " ynz have a good night." i had to replay it over in my head a couple of times to make sure i heard him correctly. yep... he said it, yzn. hahaha

another funny word that i did not expect to sound differently is bagel. everyone around here says it one of two ways:
1 they actually say bag with a short "a"... so bag-el
or 2 they say begel... with short "e" sound

these words have been dubbed into pittsburghese.

remind me to never stop saying y'all!

e l i z a b e t h


Anonymous said...

Ok- you are making Yankee jokes as I anticipate the arrival of Emily and crew from AL! Brandon can make a 6 syllable word out of d-o-g!

Mom W

D.Cooper said...

HAHAHAHA I love it....I have actually heard youins' before. That sounds more like a Tennessee or W. Virginia "hick" expression to me. The bagel part is not one I ever heard. You learn sumpin' new every day! Whether you want to or not! YA'LL hurry on home now ya hear!

Mama C.

Benjamin P. Glaser said...

I have Brandy saying, "y'all" and other good "hick" words like that.. Slowly turning that city girl into good ole boy...