i just had a few quick things to say, which are entirely unrelated to each other.
1. grilling kebabs (ha! this word is spelled funny!) is difficult. I have three serious burns on my hands to prove this. my suggestions for doing so are: a) be careful when placing and moving the kebabs when you have a upper rack on your grill. this bad boy gets very hot and will burn the crap out of your knuckles. b) don't use metal skewers unless you have to. c) if using metal skewers, don't try to pick them up with your bare hands to move them while they are on the grill. they, too, will burn the crap out of you. i am not sure what i was thinking about while doing this (maybe something about athanasius or the doctrine of the trinity), but i have a perfect skewer imprint burned into my right index finger and handy opposable thumb (you got to love it. it always wants in on the action.). for some strange reason, once you remove the skewers from the grill they are almost immediately cool. go figure.
2. be careful cooking hotdogs. they apparently burn quickly and will easily roll out the hole in the back of the grill when the cover is open and onto the ground. they do wash off nicely for a tasty meal, however.
3. it is hot here! what happened to fall? temps in the high 80s is not fall. i am sick of this weather and very ready to see some leaves changing colors.
4. dr. purves is the coolest man alive. welcome back to the burgh, dr. purves!
I think that it is for now. i will be back again soon.
jw <><
Why would anyone pick up metal skewers off the grill. I see Dad should have spent some time showing you the fine art of grilling!
We have Becky, Steven, and Andrew here. Thankfully, they are starting to get on MS time. Becky has been doing all nighters since they arrived!
Love, Mom W
Did Elizabeth tell you that we have matching fingers? I only burned one though, turning a skewer with my index finger last weekend...I was only gonna touch it for a sec! OUCH..the blister is just now healing...not like I haven't done it before either...guess I thought they no longer got as hot, or you might call it DUMB! So glad you all are enjoying grillin'! Love ya both!
Mama C. (Ah, got to see the kiddos tonight!) CUTE!
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