Wednesday, October 10, 2007

luck... or not?

do you believe in luck? lately, i have noticed christians beginning to say "blessings" or "grace" instead of saying "good luck." this has me wondering, "is it really wrong to wish someone good luck? is it wrong to believe in luck as a christian?"

this evening i went to the grocery store to get some ketchup for the dinner recipe we were making. i thought, "ah, no big deal. the store is right around the corner. i should be back in 15 or 20 minutes." i was seriously wrong. i got to trader joe's and discovered they didn't have any ketchup. they have always had ketchup! i had a few other items, though, so i figured i would check out and go to the other grocery store across the street.

i picked out the shortest line - only one person in front of me. this should be quick. wrong! the grandma has forgotten her checks in the car. no problem. the parking lot isn't that big. i watch her walk out the store and into the parking lot. where the crap is she going? she seems to have parked down the street. forget this. i am changing lines. i spot one with only two people, and the one person is finishing up.

i change lines pleased with myself. now what the heck is going on??? grandpa in front of me couldn't find something. this is an easy fix, though. the cashier rings a shelfer to come get the item for him while he finishes ringing the guy up. a few moments later, the shelfer hasn't returned. the cashier leaves to go find the item himself. you have got to be kidding me.

grandma is back. i am starting to get steamed. at least she is taking an hour to write that check. the cashier finally comes back and gets grandpa checked out. my turn.

i race to the car and head across the street. 30 minutes have already ticked by. oh my gosh! the lines are thirty people deep in this place. i get the ketchup and head to the 12 items or less line. there are only 8 or 9 people ahead of me. this shouldn't be too bad. i stand there for a moment (which felt like about 10 minutes) and realize that no one in any of the lines are moving. some lady with screaming kids is checking out in my line, and, of course, there is a problem with something. literally, ten minutes later i still haven't moved. once again, i have picked the stellar line. during this time, i am counting the items in the genius' basket in front of me out of boredom and frustration. at least 15 or 16 items. come on lady, this is the 12 items or less line. finally she gets to the check out. i count the items as she puts them on the conveyor belt. i count 20, plus more four items that she appears to be trying to steal as she leaves them in her basket. the cashier catches her, though. while checking out, she decides she needs some more items and proceeds to go get these items, which she also tries to basket without paying for. i realized that she couldn't count, though, when she pulled out 4 $20s and a few $10s to pay for a $48 bill. i kind of feel like a jerk for hating her for being in the 12 items or less line. i finally make it home over an hour later.

so here is my question, "is there such thing as luck?" i think this raises some interesting questions. if we do not, we are saying that nothing is left to chance. god has control of all things at all times, including me standing in lines for an hour for ten items when i should be studing for tests that will help be become a minister. there is never a time when we are simply left to the elements.

what if we do believe in luck? i don't think that it necessarily means that we don't believe that god puts his hand into our lives at times. free will has to be in there sometimes, right? so having good or bad things randomly happen to you could be considered luck. on the other hand, it is fine for times when one or two things go right or wrong, but how do we deal with things like tonight when nothing goes right and we can't catch a break? it seems to be a pretty big coincidence that i managed to wind up in all the wrong places at all the right times. could it simply be bad luck to make all the wrong decisions? but if it wasn't luck, why in the world did it happen? is god trying to teach me patience or something? i don't know.

good night and good luck,
jw <><


D.Cooper said...

You' re a hoot! Elizabeth is rubbing off on you. You are both as comical as heck! Luck...hey I like it... especially the good kind! God is good too though!

Mama C

Benjamin P. Glaser said...

Remember as Presbyterians Jonathan we have "Providence" not luck. ;)

Anonymous said...

Your random luck was only bad because you were in a hurry. Take some time to watch the leaves fall.