Tuesday, July 31, 2007

good movies...

elizabeth and i just signed up for netflix again. we figured at $5 a month for two movies and five hours of online movie viewing we would be saving money, since it costs $5 just to rent one movie in the store. there is a problem, though. i logged on after i signed us up to find some movies to put in our queue, but i couldn't really find any that looked all that interesting. very sad. was there a period a few months ago when there was nothing good in the theaters? what is going on in hollywood? do they just dump all their time, energy, and money into the summer blockbusters now? any way, i was wondering if anyone out there in cyberspace had seen anything good lately that they would recommend. if not, i might just resort to renting the planet earth series that the bbc put out. it looks pretty good.

obviously, i am just incredibly bored after finishing greek. hey, don't be too quick to judge. i think i deserve a little break after studying my rear off for greek the past few weeks. plus, you can't expect me to read harry potter, play guitar, clean the apartment, explore pittsburgh, take naps, and surf the net all day. which raises another good question... if you had some free time on your hands, how would you spend it? just curious. maybe i could steal some of your ideas so i don't have to think up my own.

cheers in the land of good, easy livin',

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