Wednesday, May 16, 2007

tour stop 2 - greenwood

and the intermission "never say die" tour continues... here are some thoughts and pics from tour stop 2 in greenwood.

what is up with cam touching my head so much? does rubbing my head give some mystical power like rubbing buddha's stomach?

so greenwood's first presbyterian church is in the downtown, which really appeared to be a ghost town. all the stores seemed to be deserted... except this place - club wispers. ha! way to spell. i don't even want to know what goes on in this place.

sweet pic, guys!

here is bryan kicking it ghetto-style during sound check.

shea picking on his banjo sufjan-style.

elizabeth up to no good. for those of you who know what elizabeth is like when she drinks carbonated beverages, you can imagine what she was like for the rest of the evening. i thought we were going to have to tighten her seatbelt and tape her mouth closed on the way home after she exploded into a fit of craziness during an insane version of "undigified."

"you and i were made to worship!" us leading worship. as you can see, we once again had a good crowd.

awwww. aren't they cute. something is just not right with these two.

all in all, another joyful and crazy night! one more to go - tupelo next sunday...

jay dub


MissStaceyLee said...

uh... that pic of bryan and cam sleeping is a little brokeback mountain-ish, if you ask me. just kidding!!!! did cam do his undignified dance? i sure hope so!

Elizabeth said...

Oh Yeah! We were all dancing. Me and Jason were even giving some strobe light action for the van ride. It was so nice! haha

Elizabeth said...

Also, I felt like a giant up next to the coke machine. That is why I took a knee for the picture.