Wednesday, May 2, 2007

the face of Christ

this is the face of Christ. yes, it is just two children, but do not be fooled - it is the face of Christ.

these are two of the kids we met last weekend while working at a community center in an impoverished part of town. it was immediately obvious that these children were in much need of love and attention. so we played with them a while. i regret that we couldn't have spent the rest of the day playing with them.

in reflection that afternoon, i remembered matthew 25:34-40. Christ said that when His disciples served the hungry, thirsty, naked, imprisoned, and sick they were serving Him. we went out on saturday to bless. what we found was that we were blessed instead.

mother teresa said, "Jesus comes to meet us. to welcome Him, let us go to meet Him. He comes to us in the hungry, the naked, the lonely, the alcholic, the drug addict, the prostitute, the street beggars. He may come to you or me in a father who is alone, in a mother, in a brother, or in a sister. if we reject them, if we do not go out to meet them, we reject Jesus Himself."

we go to church to worship and to find Christ, but often times we leave disappointed. it isn't that Christ isn't there - He is. what we miss is that true worship begins in serving. it is there that we find the Christ we are looking for.

"we should not serve the poor like they were Jesus. we should serve the poor because they are Jesus." - mother teresa

let us go out to meet Christ.


1 comment:

haileyrenea said...

i finally added your blog to mine!!

you're officially on my list of daily blogs to check.

ps- thanks for putting my link up. i'm proud to be your first :)

also- i'll be in bg until the 27thish. will you two be coming through then? or ever?