Wednesday, October 29, 2008

let the broken promises begin! a glimpse at the next four years...

please look at the below link and watch the video:

we couldn't even wait until after the election to find out that what our candidates have been telling us all along isn't, in fact, what they are really going to do. yesterday it was the definition of who is rich (pay attention. it has gone from $250,000 down to $150,000). today it is this.

i love the justifying responses below this video. it simply amazes me how we allow ourselves be deceived. i will hand it to obama, though. he has figured out that the media, with a few exceptions, is on his side, and he has been playing them. for instance, how is it that he has convinced the american people that mccain is the one running all the negative ads when it is he that has far more negative ads? even after criticizing mccain for this in the previous debate, he immediately took clips from the debate and made negative ads with them. unbelievable. i have become annoyed at you, barak, for all your whining. is this how you are going to run our country? by whining that people aren't playing nice every time things get tough? i hardly think that the leaders of countries like iran, north korea, and venezuela are going to be sympathetic. further, i find it hard to classify something as negative when it is true. perhaps mccain did run more negative ads in previous months, but perhaps he had more information to use for negative ads. yet, i heard a guy on the news last night say that he wasn't voting for mccain because of his use of negative ads. there might be plenty of reasons not to vote for mccain, but this is not one of them.

i guess when we really want something we are blinded to the truth. that, my friends, is the downside of hope... it has to be placed on something in trust and when it is placed in the wrong thing it is no hope at all.

jw <><


Anonymous said...

Excellent Post. 100% Agree.

Unfortunately we get the government we ask for...

Benjamin P. Glaser

D.Cooper said... did O bama pull that off? I will forever be appalled at our country's citizens...

Unknown said...

I think Obama pulled it off because Bush blackened the Republican name. Bush shot his party in the foot, the knee caps and the head. McCain's campaign was poorly run, Palin I think was not a great choice.The nation was in great need for the PERCEPTION of change (whether that happens or not is very questionable) but they just wanted something different.