Thursday, September 25, 2008

americans deserve to know the truth...

so, monday as i was driving around i just happened to have on the radio, which is very strange for me. it just happened to be on a talk radio show, which i began listening to... also, very odd for me. any way, i was listening to this radio show before i realized who it was. if i had realized earlier i probably would have turned it off (because i am not very fond of this person), but what was being said absolutely infuriated me. the topic was the current financial crisis and who was responsible. i have provided a link below, which will reveal who the talk show host was, but i cannot refrain from sharing this because i think we deserve to know the truth about what is going on. all we have heard (and statistics have shown that we remarkably believe to the truth), is that this whole mess is due to lack of restrictions and big business policies of the current republican administration. apparently, the liberal media has duped us all again, and we have bought right into it. however, conservatives are not pointing out what has happened (do they even know?).

i will warn you that this article is sort of long, but please read it. you will be blown away.

after you read it this will make sense... bill clinton was interviewed by matt lauer this morning on the today show. he was asked to respond to president bush's statement in last night's presidential address that the roots of this crisis date back more than a decade - an obvious reference to the clinton administration. clinton's response to his party's pressuring freddie and fannie to give out mass amounts of extremely risky sub-prime loans was that it could be blamed; however, it was the right decision at the time because freddie and fannie had plenty of money at the time. as if his despicable inability to recognize the huge future problem they were creating wasn't enough, he also failed to mention that the democratic party had refused in the past few years to agree to bills proposed by republicans who recognized the coming problem and tried to correct it. each bill was shot down by the democrats in an effort to protect their ridiculous policies and interests.

even more than this, as i have listened to the remarks of people like barack and hilary and others, i have gotten even madder as they have pointed fingers at the republicans. what they are failing to admit, while doing an excellent job shifting the blame to the republicans and the "corrupt" ceos of freddie and fannie, is that these ceos are all democrats and are leading donors for barak. all of this is quite disturbing.

enough is enough. it is time for real change. it is time the american people became educated, stood up, and put an end to these ridiculous political games and agendas that are putting us all at risk.

jw <><

1 comment:

D.Cooper said...

The democrats NEVER to any wrong, and we somehow suffer for all their GOOD decisions....go figure.
Mama C.