Wednesday, September 26, 2007

school and shea

these past couple weeks have not allowed for much extracurricular activity. jon is pretty much always reading... sometimes he takes a break from reading to translate some greek (not my idea of a break!). he goes through a couple of books every week almost. i cannot sit still long enough to read like that. luckily his job at the library has some down times, and he can get some good reading in there while he is on the clock.

for me, this semester has been a lot more hands on and practical learning, which i really enjoy. although, it does wear me out. thursdays are my least favorite day for sure. we have clinical rounds starting at 7 am (so wake at 5 to get the bus at 6), then 4 hours of class, lunch in the car on the way to delmont crs (my clinical), which lasts from 1 to at least 7... sometimes later, then a 45 minute drive home, and i arrive hopefully before 8 pm. whew! thankfully jon has dinner ready when i get home, so we actually have a little down time together before i am in bed! tuesday is the same, except no clinical rounds (that extra hour really makes a difference!)

we are both home on mon, part of wed and fri afternoons, so we are really enjoying being at home together on those days!! we are usually too tired to get out and do much, but it is just nice to be at home!

our weekend outings have not been as eventful, but lots of fun none the less. last weekend we played tennis and grilled out with some friends from my school (vanessa and her friend catherine) on friday. saturday we got organized around the apartment, watched football, of course, and tried to study in between all that. late afternoon we decided to get out for awhile, and we strolled around schenley park. imagine starkville's sportsplex with a nice track around all the soccer fields and add an ice skating rink, a pool, some tennis courts, a frisbee golf course, and lots of wooded areas around with hiking/biking/running trails weaving in and out... it is pretty sweet! we lingered around the soccer fields to catch the end of a geezer league game. all their wives brought out coolers of drinks... just like our moms use to do for us in little league. the only difference is that our moms brought capri suns, and they were cooling off with a bud light.... hahaha!! it was quite a funny sight to see.

we have been studying up, so that we can take a lovely break from everything to welcome shea to pittsburgh!!!! we are pumped that he is coming saturday and staying until wednesday!!! it might get a little crazy... he might just want to move in!

i am going to visit jon at the library now... byebye

1 comment:

D.Cooper said...

HEYHEY! So glad you all and Shea are getting time together! I didn't realize you had clinicals at 7 on thursday's...ugh, are they at the nearby hospitals?

Love to all!
Mama C