Tuesday, June 26, 2007

lost and found (well not found... yet)

below is a list of things that are missing since the move. let us know if you have seen any of them wandering around. maybe we will give you a reward if they are returned to us.

a life is good nalgene bottle
a ruler
a belt
a crochet hook
the summer
a dishwasher
a washing machine and dryer (a lot of quarters have seemed to have gone missing with their disappearance)
elizabeth's sanity
$1.5 million (okay, we didn't technically have that before, but if you find it and want to donate to the cause... ;) )
our friends and family (i think some of them might be found in other countries. they are like luggage that got tagged to go to the wrong airport. we arrived here... they arrived somewhere else.)
some DVDs (technically those were missing before we moved. what in the world happened to them?)
a job (can i get that transferred up here by any chance?)

we will keep you updated as we find this stuff!


disclaimer!!!! by the way, this blog was written in jest. we were bored and just having fun. we did in fact lose some of these items; although, they are not really missed (with the exception of the friends, family, and job part... those weren't really lost any way but are certainly missed). furthermore, we are certain that they are in our apartment somewhere. it wouldn't be a bad thing if they were gone for good, though. we realized when we moved that we have an excessive amount of belongings. hopefully, if we are lucky, we will lose a bunch of our other things in the next three years before we move again!


MissStaceyLee said...

oh no bib, your crochet hook?? is this just one hook or the entire pack?? sounds like you don't have much time to S&B lately anyways...

D.Cooper said...

Your family misses you two a LOT too...


Mama C.

D.Cooper said...

Connor still wishes Pittsburgh was in Alabama too! Can you believe he will be in first grade in 4 weeks? He has Mrs. Williams too! He asked me at the pool Sunday if you had her as well...I assured him you did! He (and the rest of us) will be anxiously awaiting you two in Tupelo SOON!
Mama C.